Wednesday, 3/23/2016

Hello CFTN.
Unfortunately we have to cancel clases the rest of the day. Our property management hasn’t plowed the parking lot, and considering that it took me about an hour to get my car out of the gym’s parking lot this afternoon, and seeing how bad the roads are close to CFTN, I encourage everyone to stay home tonight and do Tabata burpees in your living room wink emoticon
Sorry, mis amigos.
See you mañana.



Burpee Strong= 18 



Yoga tonight at 6pm
Split Jerk
at 35 past the hour
(20 seconds on/10 seconds rest x 8)
Air squats
Kettlebell swings (16/24)
Russian twist (20 # slam ball), prison rules
Ring rows
*Rest one minute between each exercise)
Warm up:
Coach’s choice

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