Wednesday, 11/23/2016

Yoga Tonight @ 6pm 



3 rounds NOT for time of:
10 ghd situps
200 meter row
at 35 past the hour
“Squat Central”
Over head Squats
3-2-1-1-1, or as many as you need to find today’s max
Front Squats
1-1-1-1, or as many as you need to find today’s max
Back Squats
1-1-1-1, or as many as you need to find today’s max
Melissa 90/115/125/6:09
Shane 135/245/265
Evelyn 75/95/165/5:54
Julian 75/115/165/5:55
Alberto 85/125/165/7:10
Norma 45/-/-/7:18
Juarez 175/245/305
Stacey 125/170/205
Cara 115/150/185
Razor 200/245/350
Raisa 105/135/195
Martha 85/150/195
Rosa 65/105/115
Carla 65/105/115
Miriam 120/145/180
Ashley 170/225/225
Mauricio 155/185/205/5:33
John 205/355/415
Ruby 85/115/135/6:00
Gris 55/85//100
Hollywood 185/225/255
Caileigh 105/135
Ozzy 205/305/-/3:51
Carmen 55/105/135/5:33
Susana 85/195/215/4:48
Herman 115/165/215/4:34
Victor L -/215/225/5:18
Tony 85/125/185/7:54


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