Wednesday, 10/19/2016

Halloween Costume WOD and Potluck on October 29 at 9:30 am
If you plan to bring a dish/beverage to the potluck, please use the sign up sheet on the front counter.
Yoga Tonight @ 6 pm
3 rounds Not for time of: yoga-hand-stand
10 ghd sit ups
30 double unders/ 90 singles
at 40 past the hour
5 rounds of:
5 power cleans @ 85-90 of 1RM
10 ring dips
15 box jumps (20/24)
Optional Finisher
Lissette 20:17
William 15:57
Kim 16:16
Rosa 12:00
Dannelle 15:38
Alberto 13:42
Raisa 12:20
Martha 13:16
Melissa 16:30
Miriam 11:25
Cara 15:42
Kevan 19:20
Jill 14:46
Bull 15:38
Victor 11:21
Luke 10:16
Jeremiah 10:11
Juarez 19:36
Ruby 13:01
Stacey 16:21
Gris 11:08
Vicki 13:44
Jessica 10:16
Susana 12:43
Jody 12:10
Adriana 13:24
Mauricio 13:24
Susan 10:49
Herman 12:26
Tere 11:40

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