Tuesday, 8/19/2014 WOD

Teams of Two: IMG_9062
1) One athlete works while the other one rests.
2) Team members will decide how to split up the rest for each of the 5 rounds.
Wall Balls (14/20)
Power Snatches (75/115)
Ring Push Ups

Warm Up:
500 M Row
200 M Run

3 Rounds
10 Primal Pull Through with Push up
5 3 Position Snatch
10 Air Squats with PVC-3 points of contact
5 Wall Balls

Trevor 25:11

Karen/Sarena 22:04

JMac/Abby/Roberto 30:41

Utah/Chiri 23:15

Anthony/Brett 24:40

KK 20:57

Juarez/Guru Dan 33:10

McC/Phil/Ruth ?

Des/Gordon 29:00

Bo/Kit 29:31

Lindsey/Shaira 22:40


Sean 6:32

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