Tuesday, 5/19/2015 WOD

AMRAP in 8 minutes of push press (75/115)



Every time the bar touches the ground perform 50 double unders/150 singles
Rest 4 minutes
AMRAP in 8 minutes of hang power cleans (75/115)
Every time the bar touches the ground perform 20 jumping lunges (total)
Warm up:
50 double unders/ 150 singles
40 mountain climbers, prison rules
30 total walking lunges
Old stretch
Wod specific warm up:
5×3 hang power clean and push press (light to workout weight)

Heather 32/52
Javier 57/59
Tyler 50/65
Isa 38/55 sc
Karen 55/40 mod
Razor 33/42 sc
Adriana 32/54
Z 52 mod
Rob 39 mod
Steph 59/55
Maiya 65/77
Vicki 83 mod
Batman ?/43
Drew 33/36
Kristen 33/46
Alissa ?/?
Caileigh 24/25
Otter nfr
D 35/32 sc
Stacey 47/43
3D 41/65 sc
Michi 30/60 sc
KK 37/40 sc
Q 26/42 sc
Guru 45/27 sc
Jackie T 27/90
Juarez 25/38
Deskins 50/47 sc
Vero 67/55 sc
Karina 32/30 sc
Jessica 38/51 sc

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