Tuesday, 4/21/2015 WOD

Day 92 of the 100 day burpee challenge

Geovanni’s Birthday Workout
3-Position Clean – 60%x1x2, 65%x1x2



at 40 past the hour
4 rounds of:
75 double unders
2 rope climbs
20 goblet squats (16/24)
Warm up:
500 meter row
50 double unders/150 singles
Hip/shoulder mobility
3-position clean skill work
Jeff 10:26
Heather 14:39
Jess 12:42 mod
Isa 13:59 mod
Karen 13:56 mod
Z 13:00 mod
Maiya 16:22
Steph 13:52 mod
Drew 21:26 mod
Penny 19:22 mod
3D 14:56 Mod
Sean 10:48 mod
Analisa 15:39 mod
KK 15:39 mod
Kristan 19:26
Cristy 23:55
Juarez 23:04
Vince 19:25
Guru 19:25 mod
McC 14:04
Roberto 15:44
Stacey 16:42
Mark 17:37
D 14:31 mod
Herman 18:19
KitKat 19:12
Adriana 15:29


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