Thursday, 7/17/2014 WOD

For time:



*1 rope climb/ 5 ring rows

5 clean and jerk (95/135)

10 roll ups

15 pull ups

20 wall balls (14/20)

25 burpees

30 double unders

25 burpees

20 wall balls  (14/20)

15 pull ups

10 roll ups

5 clean and jerk (95/135)

*1 rope climb/ 5 ring rows

*Athlete can complete the rope climb at any time during the workout, everything else must be completed in order.

Warm up:

50 double unders/200 singles

500 meter row

Rope climb instruction

Workout specific warm up:

3 rounds not for time of:

10 lateral lunges

10 hanging pull through

5 wall ball (light to workout weight)

5 clean & jerk (light to workout weight)

Sarena 18:46 (55)

Shannon 17:36 (55)

Karen 20:18 (55)

KK 20:18 (55)

Anthony 12:49 (135)

Smiley 14:09 (135)

Sean 14:12 (135)

Brian 20:59 (95)

Roberto 13:48 (135)


Javi 28:15 (115)

Gordon 15:47 (135)

Hunter 15:10 (115)

Han 18:26 (25)

Abby 19:18 (95)

Shaira nft

Bo 18:12 (85)

Lily nft

Andy 19:27 (45)

Ale 17:09 (85)

Des 20:24 (55)

Jessica 23:39 (55)

Max 27:17 (115)


Lindsey 11:29

Salena 12:48


Anthony 4+5/5+13


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