Sunday, 1/20/2019

“David (Watson)”
5 Rounds for Time
5 Clean-and-Jerks (95/135)
20 Pull-Ups *yeah, outside!
30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Air Squats
Dedicated to Sapper David Watson (23) 33 Engineer Regiment, who died in an explosion in Afghanistan on December 31, 2009. Royal Engineer Sapper David Watson, 23, died from his injuries after he was caught in an explosion in the Sangin region of Helmand Province.
A statement released by his family said: “He loved life itself and all of its challenges. David’s dry sense of humour combined with his ability to articulate any situation into a moment of laughter were two of his many talents, he was loved by all.
“He lived his dream and did what a true soldier is ready to do for his country, a true hero.”
Also dedicated to Aiden Howell, Lcpl Tommy Brown, Lcpl Christopher Roney, Lcpl Michael Pritchard, Cpl Simon Hornby, James Brown, Lcpl David Kirkness and Lcpl Adam Dranewho also died in the same month.
We first found this workout posted by CrossFit Essex (UK) on their WODvember Facebook page in 2016.

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