Monday, 7/21/2014 WOD


Pre Water World WOD

Pre Water World WOD

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

Goblet Squats (16/24)

Push ups

The athlete must complete the same amount of squats and push ups.

The sets can be divided any way you want to.

Warm up

400 meter run

500 meter row


3 rounds not for time of:

5 goblet squat hold for 10 seconds (bottoms down)

5 pvc pass throughs

5 burpee push up

10 kb sit up (5 each arm)

Nicole 80 (12)

JMac 80(12)

Heather 41 (16)

Mayra 70 (12)

KK 68 (12)

Andrea 52 (10lbs)

Smiley 103 (24)

Anthony 118 (24)

Sophie 51 (8)

Abel 80 (24)

Dan 70 (12)

Jim 100 (24)

Otter 84 (24)

McC 95 (24)

Utah 80 (24)

Stacy 60 (16)

Yess 100 (12)

MAx 62 (24)

Trevor 97 (24)

Alan 86 (24)

Roberto 85 (24)

Bo 84 (16)

Shaira 100 (12)

D 70 (12)

Javi 65 (20)

Andy 60 (12)

Dani 48 (12)



Lindsey 11:47

Salena 15:09

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