Friday, 9/22/2017

John has accepted the challenge

John has accepted the challenge

Join our 2018 Challenge
You could win $10,000 just for working out
From Luke’s Chest
C.- For time
Partner up
400M Partner Carry (Pick up your partner anyway you can: piggy back or firemen. If you can’t, each partner must run with a 20lb slam ball)
“Dirty Thirty”
(Each partner will perform 15 reps, but while one is working the other must hold a plank, or perform a hand stand hold)
30 Box Jump 24/20″
30 Jumping Pull ups
30 KB Swings 53/35
30 Walking Lunges
30 Knees to elbows
30 banded good-mornings (green bands)
30 Wall Ball 20/14
30 burpees
30 Double Unders
400M Partner Carry

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