Thursday, 3/12/2020

A. Tabata Row Bike Double unders B. EMOM for 10 minutes of: 5 thrusters (55/75) 5 pull ups 5 burpees *once you can complete all 15 reps in a minute, do 3 of each movement Stay home workout: Same EMOM with dumbbells, if you have them for thrusters, or you can also use one gallon jugs of water or milk. If neither available, do 5 jumping squats instead. Bent over rows with dumbbells/ jugs, or v-ups...

Wednesday, 3/11/2020

A. 1 mile run B. 5 rounds of: 10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks *use a dumbbell in each hand, and pick a weight that will allow you to go unbroken 10 ring dips 20 lunges, total, using the same dumbbells on the front...

Monday, 3/9/2020

A. 2 rounds of: 3 minutes of handstand hold in as few sets as possible (AFSAP). After each round, perform 5 wall balls (14/20) for each handstand set — e.g., if the handstand hold takes 4 sets, complete 20 wall balls before starting the next round. B. 3 rounds or 5 rounds, if you skip part A On a 4 minute running clock 15 cal bike/ 21 cal row 15 burpee box jumps (20/24) Max 30 ft shuttle runs in time remaining. Score is number of shuttle runs Rest 4 minutes between...

Sunday, 3/8/2020

“Nick O’Rear” AMRAP in 20 minutes9 Power Cleans (75/110)7 Shoulder-to-Overheads (75/110)4 Toes-to-Bars2 Rope Climbs5 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups (2×30/25 lb) (each leg)20 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)20 Double-Unders Background: This Hero workout is dedicated to K9 Officer Nick O’Rear, Kimberly, AL, Police Dept., who was shot during a pursuit on February 5, 2020 and later died from his wounds. During the pursuit, the suspect opened fire, striking K9 Ofc. O’Rear and causing him to crash his patrol car. Despite being transported to a nearby hospital, he succumbed to his injuries a few hours later. The workout was designed and submitted to us by athlete Gracie Nunnally and Hayden Setser, the owner and head coach of CrossFit Mephobia @crossfitmephobia (Gardendale, AL, USA). In an email with WODwell, Gracie told us that a few first-responder members of CrossFit Mephobia knew K9 Officer O’Rear and that this workout was first performed at CrossFit Mephobia on February 6, 2020. According to Gracie, the rep scheme signifies Officer O’Rear’s badge number (974) and his end of watch, February 5,...
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