Friday, 1/17/2020

A. Build to a heavy complex of: 1 paused front squat (3 second hold) 1 front squat B. E4MOM for 20 minutes (5rounds) 15/20 calories row or bike 40 double unders 7 front squats (115/165) (125/185 rx+)

Thursday, 1/16/2020

A. “Linda” 10-9-8-7…1 of: Deadlift @ 1 1/2 body weight Bench press @ body weight Squat clean @ 3/4 body weight Try to pair up with someone using same weights, and build 3 bars for both of you. Then start on a different elements. B. NFT 100 abmat sit ups or 50 ghd sit...

Wednesday, 1/15/2020

A. 3 rounds NFT of; 7 negative pull ups 7 hip extensions 7 ring dips B. AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 12 kettlebell swings (16/24) 12 toes to bar 12 single arm overhead kb stationary lunges, total (switch arms after 6...

Monday, 1/13/2020

A. 3 rounds NFT of 50 feet sled push 25 feet seated sled pull 1 legless rope climb (inside rope) B. For time 10 kettlebell/DB clean and jerks, each arm (16/24) (35/50) 20 cal. Bike 30 KB/DB goblet squats 40 push ups 50 abmat sit ups 40 push ups 30 goblet squats 20 cal. Bike 10 KB/DB clean and jerk, each...
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