Thursday, 10/18/2018

A. DeadliftAdd 10 pounds to your current 1RM, and calculate its 90%5 @ 65% of 90% 5 @ 75%Max Reps @85% (Must be at least 6)*10 Bicep Curls each arm after each Deadlift setB. 3 rounds of:10 Push Presses (95/135)20 Toes to Bar40 Double-UndersNinja:3 rounds of:10 Dumbbell Push Presses10 Burpee Box Jump or Step-OversBonus:E2MOM for 10 minutes:4 Rope...

Wednesday, 10/17/2018

A. Split Jerk Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete: *Set 1 – 3 reps @ 60% *Set 2 – 2 reps @ 70% *Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80% *Sets 4-8 – 1 rep @ 90+% Hold receiving position in all sets for 1 full second to assess proper footwork and positioning – scale down accordingly to prioritize mechanics over weight. B. 3 Rounds of: 400 Meter Run 20 Wall Ball (14/20) 10 Unbroken Deadlifts (pick weight accordingly) Ninja: 3 rounds of: 400 Meter Run 20 Calorie Row Bonus: 5K...

Tuesday, 10/16/2018

A. Bench Press Add 5 pounds to your current 1RM, and calculate its 90% 65% x 5 of 90% 75% x 5 85% x Max Reps (Must be at least 6) *10 Hip Extensions after each Bench Press set B. Tabata Complete Eight Sets of “20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest” for each of the following exercises: Kettlebell Swings (16/24) Push-Ups Box Jump-Overs (20/24) Plank Hold (on elbows) Ninja: Same Bonus: Take 15 minutes and practice gymnastics skills of your choice – Muscle-Ups, Kipping/Butterfly Pull-Ups, Toes to Bar, Hollow Rocks, Pistols, Handstand Push-Ups, Ring Dips, Double-Unders, etc. One method is to choose three exercise and perform a skill set. For example: “Three sets, not for time, of: Muscle-Ups x 3-5 reps Handstand Walks x 5 Meters Pistols x 3-5 reps each...

Monday, 10/15/2018

A. Back SquatAdd 10 pounds to your current 1RM, and calculate its 90%5 @ 65% of 90% 5 @ 75%Max Reps @85% (Must be at least 6)*10 GHD Sit Ups after each Back Squat setB. For time:20 Thrusters (75/115)10 Pull-Ups30 Front Squats (75/115)20 Pull-Ups40 Back Squats (75/115)30 Pull-UpsNinja: For time:Row 2000 Meters50 Air SquatsBonus:Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):Muscle Snatch x 1 rep(build over the course of the three sets)Followed by…Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):High Hang Snatch x 2 reps @ 70+%followed by…Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):Hang Snatch x 1 rep @...

Sunday, 10/14/2018

Dork 6 rounds for time of: 60 double-unders 30 kettlebell swings 15 burpees Men: 1.5-pood kettlebell Women: 1-pood kettlebell Scroll for scaling options. Boston firefighter Michael Kennedy, 33, of Boston, Massachusetts, died fighting a nine-alarm fire on March 26, 2014. Kennedy served with the Boston Fire Department for six and a half years and was a Marine Corps sergeant who served a tour in Iraq before that. He had a big presence in his local CrossFit community, coaching and training at several affiliates, including CrossFit Craic, CrossFit Florian, CrossFit Together and CrossFit HomeBase. He is survived by his girlfriend, Sarah Wessman, and many other beloved friends and family...
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