Tuesday, 10/16/2018

A. Bench Press
Add 5 pounds to your current 1RM, and calculate its 90%
65% x 5 of 90%
75% x 5
85% x Max Reps (Must be at least 6)
*10 Hip Extensions after each Bench Press set
B. Tabata
Complete Eight Sets of “20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest” for each of the following exercises:
Kettlebell Swings (16/24)
Box Jump-Overs (20/24)
Plank Hold (on elbows)
Ninja: Same
Take 15 minutes and practice gymnastics skills of your choice – Muscle-Ups, Kipping/Butterfly Pull-Ups, Toes to Bar, Hollow Rocks, Pistols, Handstand Push-Ups, Ring Dips, Double-Unders, etc.
One method is to choose three exercise and perform a skill set. For example:
“Three sets, not for time, of:
Muscle-Ups x 3-5 reps
Handstand Walks x 5 Meters
Pistols x 3-5 reps each leg”

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