Monday, 12/11/2017

New Year’s Resolution with a Cash Back? Okay! 150 Days at CFTN in 2018 could pay you back lots of $$$ C.- 10 Rounds, completing as many reps of each exercise as possible: 30 seconds of toes-to-bars Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of ring dips Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of body-weight deadlifts Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of handstand push-ups Rest 30 seconds N.-5 Rounds of: 200 Meter Run 15 Air Squats 10...

Sunday, 12/10/2017

“Hot Shots 19” 6 Rounds For Time 30 Air Squats 19 Power Cleans (135/95 lb) 7 Strict Pull-Ups 400 meter Run Nineteen City of Prescott (Arizona) firefighters, members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team, tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire, which was ignited by lightning two days earlier. It was the deadliest wildfire in Arizona’s...

Friday, 12/8/2017

150 Days at CFTN in 2018 could turn into lots of $$$$ C.- Front Squats 60%x6; 65%X6; 70%x5; 75%x3; 70%x5 Do 5 glute ham raises after each set at 40 past the hour 30-20-10 of: Jumping squats with slam ball (20/30) Kettlebell snatches, total (16/24) *EMOM 1 ring or bar muscle up or 3 strict pullups Workout starts with muscle ups or pullups N.- 5K...

Thursday, 12/7/2017

Pearl Harbor 76 Years Ago 3 Rounds of: 12 snatches (65/95) 7 toes to bar 19 pushups 41 situps 76 double unders Oly: Day 8 3-Position Clean – 65%x1x2, 70%x1x3 Power Jerk + Jerk – 65% x (2+1) x 2, 70% x (2+1) x 3 Clean Deadlift – 100%x7x2, 100%x5x3 Front Squat – 60%x6, 65%x6, 70%x5, 75%x3,...
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