Monday, 10/16/2017

Only few days left to accept our $10K Challenge We need 100 of you to do it 😉 C.- From Guru’s Chest 4 rounds of: 400m run 30 double unders 20 kettlebell swings (green/yellow) 15 burpees 5 per arm kettlebell snatch (yellow/blue) (scale/modify to complete in under 25 min) N.- For Time: 30, 20, 10 Ring rows Box...

Saturday, 10/14/2017

We will be having four teams participating on the Wod 4 Toys 4 Tots Competition at CrossFit Salvo Saturday, 12/2/17 Mark your calendar C.- From Guru’s Chest E2MOM for 10 minutes 5 squats pause for 5 seconds at the bottom athlete’s choice: back, front, overhead 40%-50%, or less for overhead Focus on keeping all muscles engaged the whole time At 40-45 past the hour AMRAP in 10 minutes 1000m row (only do this once at the beginning) 30 wall balls (14/20) 20 mountain climbers (not prison rules) 10 push ups N.- “Cindy” AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 5 pullups 10 pushups 15...

Friday, 10/13/2017

“Vicki’s Birthday Workout” Deadlift 5×5 @58% of 1 rep max at 40 past the hour 10 burpee box jumps (20/24) 13 ground to over head @58% of 1 rep max clean and jerk 19 wall balls (14/20) 59 double unders 19 wall balls (14/20) 13 ground to over head 10 burpee box jumps N.-...

Thursday, 10/12/2017

C.-From Guru’s Chest In teams of 3 (each member at a different station each round) Every 2.5 minutes for 37.5 minutes (5 times in each station) 500m row 25 goblet squats (green/yellow) 5 wall climbs N.- “Barbara” 5 Rounds For Time 20 Pull-Ups 30 Push-Ups 40 Sit-Ups 50 Air Squats 3 Minutes Rest...
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