Saturday, 6/7/2014 WOD

3 rounds for time of: 10 front squats (110/165) 14 burpees Warm Up” 3 rds not for time of: 30 mountain climbers (total) Team Stretch Wod Specific warm up: 5×5 front squat (light to workout weight) Times: Anthony 7:54 (165) Roberto 9:17 (165) Otter 8:40 (135) JMac 9:30 (75) Brian 10:42 (75) Jessica 9:44 (55) Heather 9:44 (65) Nichole L 9:38 (75) Kids Corner: Leah  ...

Friday, 6/6/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD and Ninja 5 rounds of: 10 push ups 20 ball slam (20/30) 30 sit ups 200 meter run Warm Up: 400 meter run Team stretch Wod Specific Warm Up: 2×10 ball slam Times: Smiley 17:20 Heather 18:12 (mod) KK 21:52 JMac 23:37 Shannon 22:02 Sophie 23:17 Nicole L 29:43 Dan 27:23 Jess 20:45 Ruth 20:27 Phil 23:30 McC 17:05 Anthony 15:44 Gordon 15:28 Brian 15:04 Ru 24:20 Hunter 21:53 Josh 17:50 Brian 19:18 D 22:58 Des W 17:25 Deimys 22:28 Roberto 16:30 Shaleise...

Thursday, 6/5/2014 WOD

WOD: “Head to Head” Each athlete will partner up with someone who scores comparably each week. The 2 athletes will compete head to head during this workout. The goal is to finish before your competitor. 21-15-9 Hanging Power Cleans (75/115) T2B Warm Up: 400 M Run Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: Hanging Power Clean Skill work 5×5 HPC, T2B Kid’s Corner Times: Karen 5:45 (35) Sarena 5:34 (45) Smiley 6:49 (115) Anthony 6:48 (115) John 8:14 (115/mod) Josh 14:00 (75) Dan 15:36 (55) Tracy 10:32 (35) Abel NFT Lili 9:49 (kb swing) Roberto 5:19 (115) Ru 7:32 (85/mod) Alan 6:16 (115) Grady 7:57 (115) Amanda 4:43 (65) Des 8:50 (65) Maus 8:12 (115) Shaira 5:41 (75) Jessica 10:16 (45) Abby 12:02 (75) O-Lift: Anthony Kids Corner:...

Wednesday, 6/4/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: Partner WOD, 3 Rounds for Reps One partner rows 250 M while the other partner performs burpees. The team that performs the most burpees wins. then Clean & Jerk Skill Work 3 Reps per set Set 1-60% of max, 3 reps Set 2-65% of max, 3 reps Set 3-70% of max, 3 reps Set 4-75% of max, 3 reps Set 5-80% of max, 3 reps Set 6-85% of max, 2 reps Set 7-90% of max, 2 reps Ninja WOD: For Time 100 Jump Rope Singles 4 Rounds 12 Pushups 10 Clean Pulls (Heavy) 8 High Knees or L leg raises then 100 Jump Rope Singles Warm Up: 50 Double Unders/100 Singles Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 3×100 M Row, 5 Burpees or 3×5 Pushups, Clean Pulls, High Knees/Leg Raises Reps: Smiley/Mayra/Sarena 98 Brian/Lydia/JMac 77 Abel/Sophie 85 Dan/Anthony 78 Ru/Utah 70 Ruth/Phil 75 Hollywood/McC 85 Mike/Stacey 66 Liz/Jessica/Josh 93 Deimys/Chiri 60 Ninja: D 7:35 Des W 7:20 Kid’s Corner: Leah Olivia Dominic...

Tuesday, 6/3/2014 WOD

4 rounds for time of: 400 meter run 100 yards farmer carry (16/24) 25 goblet squats (16/24) Warn Up: 800 meter run 30 total walking lunges Team Stretch Wod Specific Warm up: 3×5 goblet squats Times: Shannon 21:15 (12/8) Karen 22:00 (12/8) Lydia 15:00 (mod) Sean 19:18 (20) Kaythleen 15:20 (12/8) Tyler 12:38 (mod) Brian 12:38 (mod) John 13:48 (mod) Gary 14:13 (mod) KK 17:50 (8) JMac 17:50 (8) Smiley 20:02 (24) Abel 21:42 (24) Sophie 25:34 (16/8) Roberto 19:15 (24) Anthony 16:22 (24) Brian 23:53 (24) Dan 24:31 (12/8) Javi 21:48 (20/16) Ben M 22:55 (24) Naye 22:16 (20) Alan 21:24 (24) Bo 19:41 (16) Stacey 22:59 (16) Jody H 17:12 (16) Shaira 24:03 (16/12) Des W 19:17 (16/12) Jim 21:11 (24) Liz 16:16 (16) Laura 13:42 (mod) Kid’s Corner: Javier Nalleli Leah Morgan...
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