Monday, 1/27/2014 WOD

WOD: 10, 9, 8, 7….1 Front Squat C2B Pullups Ninja WOD: 10 Rounds for Time: 10 Mountain Climbers 10 Ring Rows 10 Burpees 10 Jumping Pullups Warm Up: 200 Jump Rope Singles 4×10 V-ups Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up 5×5 Front Squat Pull up Warm Up Times: Roberto 14:34 (135/C2B) Big C 22:31 (135/C2B) Sean 12:11 (135) Vic 12:15 (115) Hollywood 16:49 (105/C2B) Senior 11:18 (95/C2B) Robert 10:10 (85) McC 8:14 (85) McC 7:36 (85) Abel 16:22 (125/Bands) Diesel 12:26 (125/RR) Brian 12:50 (75/RR) Ed 7:32 (Mod) Stacey 15:04 (85/Bands) Abby 9:12 (65/Bands) D 11:40 (55/RR) Liz 16:16 (Mod) Ninja: Ed 20:12 Roberto 17:46 Big C 29:46 Hollywood NFT    ...

Saturday, 1/25/2014 WOD

WOD: 4 Rounds for time 200 M Run 15 Hand Release Pushups 40 Walking Lunges 3 Muscle Ups or 15 Pullups Warm Up Tire Flip WU Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up Pull Up Warm Up 10 Walking lunges and 10 Hand Release PU in between Brooks (Muscle Ups) 13:35 McC (Pullups/Bar MU/PU/BMU) 16:30 Hollywood 16:30 Kayla (ring rows) 19:11 Ru (ring rows) 21:14 Big Country 19:55 Nicole (row/ring rows)...

Friday, 1/24/2014 WOD

WOD: For Time 50 Wall Balls 40 Overhead Squats (moderate) 30 T2B 20 double unders/60 singles (reps must be unbroken) 30 T2B 40 Overhead Squats 50 Wall Balls Warm Up: 60 Double Unders/180 Singles 3×20 Pullovers Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up 5×5 Wall Balls, OHS, T2B D 20:36 (4/15, High Knees) Brian NFT (10, Push Ups, High Knees) Vic 20:39 (10/65, Knees to Elbows) Brooks 19:44 (20/75) Abby 7:45 (4/15, Reps 30, 20, 10) McC 20:14 (20/45) Skills: 10 to 1, Power Snatch, Pullups, Wall Ball Ru 20:45 (45, Air Squat working on mobility, 3 bands) Jess 16:43 (14/4, Ring Rows) Kayla 14:54 (Power Clean-25 lbs, 4 lb WB, 3...
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