Friday, 1/24/2014 WOD




For Time
50 Wall Balls
40 Overhead Squats (moderate)
30 T2B
20 double unders/60 singles (reps must be unbroken)
30 T2B
40 Overhead Squats
50 Wall Balls

Warm Up:
60 Double Unders/180 Singles
3×20 Pullovers

Team Stretch

WOD Specific Warm Up
5×5 Wall Balls, OHS, T2B

D 20:36 (4/15, High Knees)

Brian NFT (10, Push Ups, High Knees)

Vic 20:39 (10/65, Knees to Elbows)

Brooks 19:44 (20/75)

Abby 7:45 (4/15, Reps 30, 20, 10)

McC 20:14 (20/45)

Skills: 10 to 1, Power Snatch, Pullups, Wall Ball

Ru 20:45 (45, Air Squat working on mobility, 3 bands)

Jess 16:43 (14/4, Ring Rows)

Kayla 14:54 (Power Clean-25 lbs, 4 lb WB, 3 bands)

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