Wednesday, 9/11/13 WOD

“NEVER FORGET” Today we are doing a workout in honor of the 2992 known victims of the September 11, 2001 attack on America 12 years ago. We will be working in teams of 4 or 5.  Each team has to complete 2992 reps of any combination of the exercises listed, but only one person can be working at any one time. Lets all work hard, and keep in mind the significance of every single rep that we complete. Push up Pull up Sit up Squat Kb Swing Kb Snatch Box Jump Toes 2 bar Wall Ball Ball Slam Double Unders Ring row Times: Gladiators 54:33 Roberto Stacey Maximus Bo Cowboys 54:33 Mike Steve Wes Bo Titans 50:57 Big C Hollywood Count Intro 5: Lili 5+23 Juan 5+25 “Jennifer”: Roberto 18:56...

Tuesday, 9/10/13 WOD

4 Rounds for time of: 15 Thrusters (65/95) 20 Weighted Sit-ups (20/30) 430 Meter run Times: Mike 23:20 Curtis 24:52 Roberto 20:28 Ben T 25:25 Tyler 26:57 Curtis 24:52 Steve 21:29 Stacey 24:58 Intro 4: Lili 15:49 200 Burpees: Bo...

Monday, 9/9/13 WOD

Warm Up: 860 M Run Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up “The Hopper” For today’s workout, you will draw one of three workouts from a hat. You will not know what your workout is going to be until after the team stretch. You will either do an AMRAP, Rounds for time, or a Chipper. We love surprises! 🙂 Times: Mistery 1: Ben T 5 rds Mistery 2: Nicole 35:39 Maximus 27:00 (Mod) Roberto 22:56 Javi 19:59 Shandra 21:44 Mistery 3: Alec 6:15 Tyley 5:47 +20 pull ups Stacey 9:23 Javi 9:13 Ben T...

Saturday, 9/7/13 WOD

Warm Up: 50 Doubles Unders Turkish Getup Instructional 50 Double Unders Team Stretch WOD Specific WU: 3 Rounds NFT: 5 Pushups 5 Russian Twists 10 Double Unders WOD: AMRAP in 12 Minutes 12 Push ups 12 Russian Twists (20/30) 12 Double Unders (36 singles) Reps: Utah 10+7 Roberto 9+24 Robert 8 Mike 5+10 Javi 8+5   Shandra 8+17 Chanda 6+12 Stacey...
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