Wednesday 4/15/2015 WOD

Day 86 of the 100 day burpee challenge
3-3-3-3-3 of:



Deadlift @70 or 75% of your 1 rep max
at 40 pass the hour
3 rounds of:
10 double kettlebell bent rows (16/24)
20 ball slams
400 meter run

Warm up:
400 meter run
50 mountain climbers, prison rules
2×5 single leg raise with core activation
5×3 deadlift (light to 60%)

Z 12:40
Vero 14:08
Mayra 16:19
Alec 14:16
Jess 14:43
Cristy 12:29
CQ 12:43
Ruth 10:43
Kristen 10:38
Gordon 10:27
Phil 13:52
Jacque 14:53
Roberto 11:25
Hollywood 12:06
Caileigh 15:08
Herman 11:24
Susan 11:42
Liv 11:15

Carlos 6:27
Precy 6:29

Jeff 10:15
Batman 10:20
Heather 10:33
Maiya 11:35

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