Wednesday, 3/8/2017

chavez kettlebell swings

Yoga Tonight at 6
C.- Back Squat – 65%x5, 70%x5, 75%x4, 80%x3x2
at 35 past the hour
EMOM for 7 minutes
3 power cleans at 85%
rest 3 minutes
As Many REPS as Possible in 10 Minutes:
Kettlebell Swings (16)
Box Jumps (24″ / 20″)
Do one rep of each exercise the first round, then two reps, then three reps, and so on, until time is up.

F.- Day 56
Snatch – 80%x1, 85%x1, 80%x1
Clean & Jerk – 80%x1, 85%x1

T.- In teams of 2
AMRAP 20 Minutes
30 Burpees
40 Sit-ups
50 Walking Lunges
Only one athlete can be working at a time.

N.- AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Pistols
Shane 10+11
Alissa 10+18
Miriam 13+11
Raisa 10
Steph 11+21
Jordan 14+2
Rosa 13
Martha 13+5
Annie 12+4
Sarah 12
Vicki 12+16
Mike 10+6
Bull 12+11
3Dee 12+3
Michelle 12+10
Ozzy 13+5
Coates 10
Caileigh 10+3
Chris H 11
Nathan 11
Omar 10
Jonathan R 11
Herman 10+12
Teresa 11
Susana 12+15
Roberto 11+22
Jessica 13
Gabriel 11+3
Angie 11+5
Tere 12
Stephanie 10+10
Simon 13+14
Victor 12+15
Efrain 11+5


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