Tuesday, 5/19/2020

A. Buy in: 800 meter run

5 rounds of:

15 wall balls (14/20)

5 deadlifts (155/225)

Cash out: 800 meter run

B. From Guru’s Chest

Every 6 minutes for 36 minutes
1200m bike
15 push ups
10 kipping pull ups
Any cardio for 2-2:30 minutes.
Run: 400 meters
Jump rope: single unders, 2 minutes. If you have or want to work on double unders, do those.
Mountain climbers: count how many you do in 2 minutes in the first round, hit that number for the rest of the rounds.
Run in place: the higher you lift your legs and the more you pump your arms, the harder this will be.
Row: 500 meters
Push ups:
Do these with your hands on a counter top or standing up against a wall. Think about keeping your hips straight the whole time.
Knee push ups: I would rather you not do these and work on keeping your body straight. If you are doing these REALLY focus on keeping your hips straight.
Kipping pull ups:
Bent over rows: with a light weight and increased reps (these are not about going heavy today). these can be done with whatever kinds of weights that you have, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, milk jugs, etc…
Anything from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doBykp7TftY keep it light or body weight.

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