Tuesday, 4/14/2015 WOD

Day 85 of the 100 day burpee challenge

3-3-3-3-3 of:



Snatch balance (first set @50% of your 1 rep max over head squat. Add 5 to 10 pounds each set)

At 40 pass the hour:

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

5 squat snatch (65/95)
10 pull-ups
15 sit-ups

Warm Up:
500 meter row
3×6 total kettlebell sit-ups (8/12)

Ankle/hip/shoulder mobility
Jeff 5 (95)
Heather 5 (65)
Batman 4+15 (75)
Jess 2+5 (55/rr)
Brook 3+13 (45/rr)
Isa 4 (25/rr)
Karen 3+5 (45/rr)
Alisa 4+5 (mod)
Maiya 4+13 (65)
Steph 4+9 (65)
Otter 3+17 (mod)
Juarez 3+3 (95)
Guru 3+15 (mod)
Penny 2+10 (20)
Cristy 3+8 (65)
Stacey 3 (65)
KitKat 3+16 (mod)
Herman 3+13 (mod)
Cait 3 (mod)
Jimmy 4 (95/rr)
Analisa 3+5 (65)
Mark 4 (mod)
Sean 2+7 (mod)
Randy 3+2 (85)
McC 4+7 (95)
D 7:44 (mod)
Rob 9:33 (mod)
Christy (mod)

Daniel 6:49
Vero 6:35
Ivonne 7:24
Mayra 7:22
Razor 6:57
Drew 5:43
Vicki 5:17


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