Tuesday, 2/10/2015 WOD

Day 22 of the 100 day burpee challenge (253)

Wear long socks 😉

“Fight Gone Bad” Style



3 rounds for reps of:

Row for calories

Ball Slam (20/30)

Box jumps (20/24)

Rope climbs

Rdl (95/135)

Each athlete will spend one minute in each station, followed by a minute rest after completing all five movements.

Warm up:

500 meter row

3×25 pull overs

Old stretch

Rope climb skill

Jess 168 (20/85)
Maiya 229 (20/95)
Veronica 208 (20/55)
Christy 195 (20/65)
Cait 153 (20/55)
Cristy 167 (20/95)
Vince 188 (20/55)
Randy 208 (30/95)
Anthony 270 (30/135)
Jake 122 (20/65)
Michael 165 (20/135)
McC 212 (30/135)
KK 170 (20/80)
Analisa 225 (20/95)
Andy 173 (20/95)
Ruth 188 (20/95)
Cori 148 (20/95)
Kevin 189 (30/135)
Phil 158 (30/135)
Sean 250 (30/135)
Juarez 162 (30/135)
Breanna 155 (20/95)
Des 187 (20/95)
Chris 201 (30/135)
Shandra 228 (20/95)
Yesenia 197 (20/95)
Stacey 211 (20/95)
Hunter 211 (30/135)
D 194 (20/95)
Adriana 266 (20/95)
Veronica 169 (20/55)
Susan 145 (20/55)
Salena 154 (20/55)
Herman 207 (30/95)

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