Thursday, 4/16/2015 WOD

Day 87 of the 100 day burpee challenge
For time:



1000 meter row
20 Burpees
30 Kettlebell snatch, total (16/24)
40 Wall balls (14/20)
50 Double unders
40 Wall balls (14/20)
30 Kettlebell snatch, total (16/24)
20 Burpees
1000 meter row

Warm up:
500 meter row
3×20 pull overs

Old stretch
3×6, total kb snatch (light to workout weight)
5 wall balls (light to workout weight)
Jeff 20:52 rx
Batman 22:08 (16/14)
Heather 24:33 rx
Karen 30:08 (8/6)
Vhristy 29:03 (mod)
Sarena 26:26 (mod)
Vicki 26:32 (mod)
Maiya 23:19 rx
Penny 30:59 (mod)
Jess 32:51 (mod)
Guru 26:49 (12/20)
Juarez 27:46 (20/20)
Cristy 24:49 rx
Vero 26:34 (12/6)
Jimmy 36:56 (20/20)
Roberto 23:59 (mod)
Jordan 26:14 (mod)
Jeff (double)
Stacey 27:51 rx
Kristen 28:46 (12/10)
Alec 35:02 rx
Herman 25:37 (8/16)
Anthony 18:? rx
Brook 28:39 (8/8)
Mark 28:48 (16/20)
McC 26:20 rx
KitKat 25:34 (15lb/6)




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