Thursday, 3/9/2017


C.- Split Jerk
5 sets of 3 @ 75%
Do 10 GHD sit up before or after each set
at 40 past the hour
5 rounds of
200 meter run
3 ring muscle ups (3 strict pull ups/ ring dips)
12 ball slams (20/30)

F.- Day 57
Power Snatch – 60%x1, 70%x1, 75%x1, 80%x1, 60%x1
Power Clean & Jerk – 60%x1, 70%x1, 75%x1, 80%x1, 60%x1

T.- In teams of 2
AMRAP 20 Minutes
3 Handstand Push-ups
9 Wall Ball Shots (24# / 20#)
27 Double-unders
One athlete will run 400 Meters while the other completes as many rounds/reps of the AMRAP as possible. The athletes will then switch, with the athlete coming off the run picking up right where the other athlete left off.

N.- For Time:
100 Air Squats
75 Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
Steph 11:55
Melissa 14:41
Karen 17:23
Miriam 12:05
Martha 14:39
Raisa 16:57
Karen 15:26
Roberto 19:49
Annie 16:10
Jordan 15:41
Stacey 15:53
Razor 16:37
Matt 15:48
Rosa 16:07
Tere 15:57
Teresa 17:43
Nathan 17:43
Vicki 17:10
Logan 17:43
CQ 18:11
Luke 16:31
Jessica 13:32
Sarah 14:27
Victor 11:06
Susana 12:05
Adriana 12:57
Angie 13:20
Crystal 13:57
Kurtis 13:40
Coates 17:24


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