Thursday, 1/19/2017



C.- (65/95)
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats
6 burpees over the bar/6 burpee pullups
12 power snatches
6 burpees over the bar/6 burpee pullups
12 front squats
6 burpees over the bar/6 burpee pullups
12 power cleans
6 burpees over the bar/6 burpee pullups
12 sumo deadlift high pulls
6 burpees over the bar/6 burpee pullups
12 push press
6 burpees over the bar/6 burpee pullups
12 deadlift
6 burpees over the bar/6 burpee pullups
12 push jerks
6 burpee over the bar/6 burpee pullups
*First round do burpees over the bar; second round do burpee pullups

F.- Day 16
Power Snatch + Snatch – 75%x (1+1) x 4 (% of power snatch)
Jerk – 78%x3x5
Clean Pull – 96%x5x
Back Squat – 75%x5, 80%x5x3, 83%x3, 80%x5

T.- In teams of 2
AMRAP 20 Minutes
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
One athlete will run 400 Meters while the other completes as many rounds of the AMRAP as possible. The athletes will then switch, with the athlete coming off the run starting a new round. Only completed rounds will be counted.

N.- For Time:
10, 9, 8 … 3, 2, 1
ghd Sit-ups
Back Extensions
Run 100 Meters between rounds.
Steph 29:31 rx
Alissa 29:18
Will 31:49
Bull 17:30 1/2
Raisa 37:39
Martha 33:12
Rosa 33:25
Miriam 33:14 rx
Razor 37:30 rx
Sean 32:14 rx
Scott 38:04
Mensch 30:03 rx
Lowell 37:55 rx
Gris nft
T2 34:04
Ozzy 23:41 rx
Hollywood 35:56 rx
Susana 27:28 rx
Adriana 34:11
.Angie 27:19
Jonathan 37:00
Mauricio 38:36
Bert 41:17
Tere nft
Victor 35:59
Kurtis 41:50
Crystal 35:30
.Lily 50:00

Penny 16:10 90 pr

Roberto 3+20 rx
Norma bfr


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