Thursday, 11/14/13 WOD

For Time, 8 Rounds
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Pullups
15 Situps
20 Air Squats
On the minute, every 3 minutes, 15 Double Unders (45 singles)

Warm Up:
60 Double Unders (180 Singles)
3×20 Pullovers
60 Double Unders (180 Singles)

WOD Specific Warm Up:
5×5 HSP and Situps
Pull up warm up in between


Ricky 29:50

Red 28:09

AG 26:09

Hollywood 22:48

Caileigh 26:41

MCC 22:37

Roberto 16:26

Brooks 16:31

Bo 15:40

Sean 15:41


Tony 5:16

Mike 5:33

Brooke 6:07


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