Saturday, 3/21/2020

Day 5 of the stupid coronavirus shutdown

A. Challenges

Squat = rest day

Push ups = 45

Double unders = 30

10k Kettlebell swings

5 rounds

10 swings

10 sit ups

15 swings

10 sit ups

25 swings

10 sit ups

50 swings

10 sit ups

B. Body weight workout

Buy in: 75 sit ups

5 roungs of:

20 curtsey lunges, total

20 dips (use a bench, box, chair)

20 burpees

Cash out: 75 sit ups

C. 2 rounds of:

30 Thrusters, bar or double db/ kb/ jugs. (single db,kb or jug do 15 each arm)

30 burpees

30 single leg deadlifts (holding bar, db, kb, jug or any odd object


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