Saturday, 12/27/14 WOD

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:



3  strict press (65/95)

9 burpee pullups

rest 4 minutes

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

3 push press (65/95)

9 toes to bar

Warm up:

500 meter row

30 total walking lunges

Old stretch

shoulder mobility

Wod specific warm up:

5×3  strict press (light to workout weight)

Parker 4+3/ 8+2 (65)

Hunter 5/6+10 (95)

Brett 4+11/6+8 (95)

Anthony 6+3/7+5 (95)

McC 4+6/7 (95)

Cristy 2+6/3+11 (65)

Alek 4/7 (65)

Mike 5+3/7+1 (mod)

Des 4+9/8 (65)

Andy 4/6+3 (65)

Rochelle 4/5 (mod)

JMac 4/5+5 (65)




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