Monday, 5/18/2020

A. EMOM for 10 minutes

1 power snatch

1 overhead squat

1 hang power snatch

1 overhead squat

Rest 3 minutes

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

5 strict pull ups

10 push ups

15 abmat sit ups

B. Guru’s stay home workout

Part A:
5 sets of 5 reps of bench press at 70-80%

Part B:
6 rounds for time, 10 minute time cap
3 strict pull ups
6 front squat, medium heavy 60-70%

Bench press:
Tempo push ups: 4 seconds down, 4 seconds up. Don’t worry about increasing reps, you’ll feel these 🙂
Dumbbell bench press: will probably need to go lighter than you would with a barbell. These are harder than barbell bench press, but if dumbbells are what you have, use dumbbells 🙂
Dumbbell floor press: lay on the floor and press like you would on a bench. These don’t go through the entire range of motion and are a bit easier because the floor helps out at the bottom. If you have heavier dumbbells than you want to press, these should make pressing them easier. Scale your reps up if it feels too easy.
Push ups: bump up your reps and REALLY think about doing them well. Flex your guts and butts like crazy, kepp your body in as straight a line as you possibly can and get your chest all the way to the floor. You can do these on your knees but I would rather you put your hands on a counter or up against a wall and work on full body straightness.

Strict pull ups:
Whatever you do, stay on the heavier/harder side, strict pull ups are about building strength.
Banded strict: if you have bands and a pull up bar.
Barbell pull up: if you have a barbell, a barbell rack and you feel safe doing pull ups on your barbell while its in the rack. The barbell needs to be high enough that you can hang from it without your butt touching the ground. Put your feet underneath you like you’re doing a squat. The more in front of you your feet are, the more this will become an inverted row.
Inverted row/Ring row: keep your body straigh the whole time, don’t let your hips drop at the bottom, stiff as a board! Also remember to keep your shoulders locked in place, lats engaged. Don’t let you’re shoulders come forwared when you’re at the bottom of the row.
Bent over row: the heaviest weight you can do the same amount of reps as the pull ups with, unbroken, with good form when you are tired. Good form means straight back AND hinging forward as far as you can (you should feel your hamstrings engage). If you’re barely hinged forward then this won’t be working the muscles we want it to.
Anything else from here: with heavier weight.

Front squat:
These can be done with a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells.
Goblet squats: since you’re probably doing this with a lighter weight, add 3 or so more reps

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