Friday, 3/20/2020

Day 4 of the stupid coronavirus shutdown

A. Challenges

Squat = 280

Push ups = 4

Double unders = 30

10k kettlebell swings

5 rounds of:

10 swings

1 push press (bar or any odd object)

15 swings

2 push press

25 swings

3 push press

50 swings

4 push press

B. Bodyweight workout

For As Long As Possible

From 0:00-3:00, 2 Rounds of:

10 Push-Ups

10 Jumping Squats

Then, from 3:00-6:00, 2 Rounds of:

12 Push-Ups

12 Jumping Squats

Then, from 6:00-9:00, 2 Rounds of:

14 Push-Ups

14 Jumping Squats

Add two reps to each movement every 3 minutes. Continue following the same pattern for as long as possible.

C. Ladder in 12 minutes of:

Front squat/ goblet squat/ carrying odd object squat

Push ups

Start with one of each, then 2,3,4,5….

Stay Fit CFTN

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