Friday, 2/13/2015 WOD

Day 25 of the 100 day burpee challenge (325)

3-6-9-12-15-12-9-6-3 of:



Ring dips

Pullups (chest to bar if you can)


Warm up:

500 meter row

Old stretch

Shoulder mobility

Pullup progression, including butterfly pullups


Maiya 15:50 (b)

Anthony 16:25 (c2b)

Cristy 16:06 (b)

Jeff 16:22 (c2b)

Abby 15:50 (1b)

Lance 15:30 (b/b)

Christy 15:10 (b/rr)

Jess 16:29 (b/rr)

Jamie 16:15 (b/rr)

Isa (mod)

Randy 24:05

Kristen 15:59 (b/b)

Mayra 14:45 (bench/b)

Stacey 18:23 (b)

Juarez 21:14

Guru 21:14 (mod)

Chris 13:50

Ruth 18:09 (b)

JMac 19:19 (all the way in South Korea)

Jacque 12:00 (bench/rr)

Yess 17:25 (b/b)

D 16:50 (b/b)

Han 13:47 (b)

Otter 13:04

McC 11:47

B 12:29 (b)

KK 17:20(bench/b)

5K row

Phil 20:37


Analisa (185/95) 2+15/3+9

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