Friday, 11/21/14 WOD

500 meter row




3 rounds of:

10 push press (65/95)

15 box jumps (20/24)

20 goblet squats (16/24)


500 meter row

Warm up:

500 meter row

3×30 pullovers

Old stretch:

Wod specific warm up:

3 x 3 of:

Press and push press (light to workout weight)

5 box jumps

5 goblet squats (light to workout weight)


Kevin 15:38 (95/24)

Andy 16:24 (65/16)

Des 14:52 (65/16)

Christy 15:33 (55/8)

Jessy 16:28 (55/8)

Lindsay 16:08 (60/16)

Hope 15:30 (65/16)

Angela 16:55 (45/8)

Bull 15:21 (95/20)

McC 14:06 (85/20)

Stacey 16:44 (65/16)

Shannon 21:06 (65/12)

Juarez 15:36 (95/24)

Jeannette 17:40 (35/8)

Kristen 16:26 (45/8)

Han 16:26 (45/16)

Hunter 15:36 (95/24)

Guru 16:46 (mod)

Chris 13:31 (95/24)

Carlos 16:30 (95/20)

CQ 16:16 (65/16)

Roberto 10:32 (mod)


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