Wednesday, 3/17/2021

A. Clean and jerks 5×3 @65-65% B. EMOM for 28 minutes (7 rounds) Min 1: 7 shoulder to overhead (65/95) Min 2: 7 strict pull ups Min 3: 7 ring dips Min 4: :30 of a core movement (e.g. plank, russian twist, bicycle kicks …you pick) C. 7 minute...

Monday, 3/15/2021

Schedule ALERT 6am, 8am(open gym), 9am and 12pm(open gym) are canceled due to weather . A. Romanian Deadlift 5×5 @ 40-45% of regular deadlift 7 to 10 barbell roll outs after each set. B. AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 5 squat cleans (same weight used for today’s rdl) 10 knees to elbows 15 hand release push ups C. 7 minute...
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