Friday, 12/11/2020

A. Overhead squats 4×3 @65-75%, with 2 sec down 1 sec pause at the bottom and 1 sec up B. Buy in: 100 double unders (200 Singles) Then 10-9-8…3-2-1 Alt Db Snatches, total (50/35#) 1-2-3…8-9-10 Goblet squats (same db) Buy out: 100 double unders (200 singles) C. 7 minute...

Wednesday, 12/9/2020

A. Strict Press 5×3 @70-80% :30sec hang from the bar between each set B. “Fight Gone Bad” 3 Rounds Wall Balls (20/14#) SDLHP (75/45#) Box Jumps (24/20″) Push Press (75/45#) Cal Row 1 Minute Rest (If you did Tuesday’s workout, replace Wall balls for ball slams, if you like) C. 7 minute...
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