Tuesday, 3/10/2015 WOD

Day 50 of the 100 day burpee challenge ( 1280)

10 strict pullups



200 meter run

30 goblet squats (16/24)

400 meter run

50 burpees 😉

400 meter run

30 goblet squats (16/24)

200 meter run

10 strict pullups

Warm up:

400 meter run

3×20 pullovers

Old stretch

Ankle, hip and shoulder mobility

3×5 goblet squats (light to workout weight)

Jeff 15:03 (24)

Sarena 20:39 (mod)

Christy 22:22 (8)

Ubee 18:25 (mod)

Karen 24:01 (8)

Isa 17:48 (mod)

Jess 24:24 (12)

Mayra 23:09 (8)

Roberto 17:36 (24)

Maiya 14:50 (16)

Steph 15:01 (16)

KK 18:40 (12)

Veronica 17:56 (8)

Andy 18:09 (16)

Jamie 19:55 (12)

Cristy 18:21 (16)

Guru 20:47 (20)

Juarez 17:55 (24)

Kristen 18:34 (16)

Vicki 17:46 (16)

Alok 16:40 (16)

Sean 16:02 (24)

D 20:12 (16)

Shaira 23:57 (16)

Deskins 23:00 (6)

McC 16:20 (24)

Hollywood 20:52 (20)

Stacey 24:44 (16)

Caileigh 23:81 (12)

Herman 22:50 (20)

Kate 21:36 (8)

Alissa 19:33 (12)

Randy 17:45 (24)





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