Thursday, 9/15/2016

Back Squat – 65%x5, 70%x5, 75%x4, 80%x3x2



at 40 past the hour
For time:
5 bar muscle ups
5 wall balls (14/20)
4 bar muscle ups
10 wall balls
3 bar muscle ups
15 wall balls
2 bar muscle ups
20 wall balls
1 bar muscle up
25 wall balls
*If you can’t do bar muscle ups do 3 x toe to bars
“Maximum Level”
10 sets of:
2 deadlifts @75%
rest 60 seconds between sets
Alissa 9:33
Shane 13:32 bmu
Lowell 9:43
Vero 8:54
William 11:38
Steph 8:32
Razor 9:37 rx
Melissa 9:08
Roberto 12:18 bmu
Bull 10:25 bmu
Jill 12:07 bmu b
Sean 6:05 bmu
Susana 8:07 rx
Carmen 7:07
CQ 12:34
Jeremiah 7:34 bmu
Cara 15:25
Gris 10:05
Vicki 10:40
Raisa 12:00
Nico 11:43
Tato 12:12
Andrea 9:56


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