Thursday, 3/12/2015 WOD

Day 52 of the 100 day burpee challenge

5 sets of: outside wod tires rowing

1 hang power snatch+2 hang squat snatches+3 squat snatches

First set with an empty bar, ladies add 10 pounds each set, guys add 10 to 15 pounds each set. This is for quality

Partner Workout

AMRAP in 25 minutes of:

400 meter run/ tire flips

One partner runs a 400 meter, while the other flips the tire.

Your score is the total of tire flips combined.

Warm up:

400 meter run

Old stretch

Hip and shoulder mobility

Jeff/Steph 124

Jess/Karen/Christy 144

Maiya/Zumba 112

KK/Jamie/Lindsay 189

Guru/Juarez 141

Otter/Lance 157

Michi 67

Vicki 120

Vince/Herman 229







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