Monday, 12/14/2015

The 2nd CFTN 100 day Burpee Challenge starts on January 1st.  burpee
3-3-2-2-1-2-4-6 of:

Over head squat (from rack)
(Your single rep should be at 75@ of your one rep max, and then go down in weight)
at 35 past the hour
In a 12 minute window:
1000 meter row
Establish a 1 RM squat snatch in the remaining time
Warm up:
Coach’s choice
Cori 65 squat clean
Jeff 155
Eli 115
No-No 65
Ramone 125
Dan T 125 ps
Chris H 65
Jess 85
Diana 55 ps
Steph ?
Raisa 55
JMac 65
Juarez 95
Donna 75 squat clean
Guru 75
Stacey 85
Joe 145 squat clean
Caileigh 85
Hollywood 125
Vero 60 ps
Carmen 65 ps
Miriam 55
D 70
Roberto 135
Susan 60
Herman 85
McC 105
Rochelle 45



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