Sunday, 3/7/2015 WOD

Day 48 of the 100 day burpee challenge (1181) Foo  170-lb. bench presses, 13 reps Then, complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 7 chest-to-bar pull-ups 77 double-unders 170-lb. squat clean thrusters, 2 reps 28 sit-ups   Sgt. Gary “Foo” Morales, of the Port St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office in Florida, died Feb. 28, 2013. Morales, 35, was fatally shot during a traffic stop. The Air Force veteran was employed by the St. Lucie County Sherriff’s Office for 12 years and had just been promoted to Sergeant Deputy. He is survived by his wife, Holly; daughters, Brooklyn and Jordan; parents, William and Candy; brothers, Brian, Ken and Brad; grandmother, Romanita Rodriguez; and eight nieces and nephews. Susan 4+10 Herman 4+86 Gordon 5+50 Juarez 5+72 Sean 2 (mod) 15.2: Cait Jeff McC Otter Chris Vicki Adriana...

Saturday, 3/7/2015 WOD

Day 47 of the 100 day burpee challenge (1133) Tabata 1: Kettlebell snatch, switching hands each interval (16/24) Rest 3 minutes Tabata 2: Jumping lunges Rest 3 minutes: Tabata 3: Double unders/singles Warm up: 50 double unders/ 150 singles 3×20 pullovers Old stretch Kb skill Maiya 69/130/167 Adriana 68/152/327 (singles) Alok 69/120/300 (singles) Chris 59/57/205 (singles) Penny 73/97/383 (singles) 15.2 Vicki Anthony...

Friday, 3/6/2015 WOD

Day 46 of the 100 day burpee challenge (1086) CrossFit Open 15.2 Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 95-lb. overhead squats, 10 reps 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of: 95-lb. overhead squats, 12 reps 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 6:00-9:00 2 rounds of: 95-lb. overhead squats, 14 reps 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds. Warm up: 500 meter row Old stretch Ankle, hip, shoulder mobility 3×3 over head squats (light to workout weight) Pullup progression Abby 36 rx Steph 87 rx Kristen 75 (mod) Veronica 70 (mod) Juarez 40 rx Jake 36 (45) Michi 86 (35) D 108 (45) Penny 138 (35) Vince 111 (65) Cristy 95 (45) Intro: 3D Strength: Jimmy Thursdays: Jess 10:54 Isa 16:20 (mod)  ...

Thursday, 3/5/2015 WOD

Day 45 of the 100 day burpee challenge (1040) “Anthony’s Birthday Workout” 94 double unders (yes, that’s the year he was born) 21 hand stand pushups 21 pullups 21 squats 21 box jumps (20/24) 21 kettlebell swings (16/24) Warm up: 210 meter row 210 single unders 4×21 pullovers Old stretch Pullup progression Time: Vince 11:34 Karen 9:14 Brooke 9:03 Sarena 8:51 Maiya 9:09 rx Mayra 9:23 Ivonne 8:50 Veronica 9:31 Vicki 6:55 rx/b Zumba 7:47 Adriana 6:53 rx Lindsay 6:13 Analisa 9:11 rx Kayla 6:50 KK 8:06 Guru 10:40 Cristy 7:31 rx Roberto 4:57 Anthony 5:13 rx D 8:23 McC 6:24 rx Herman 12:48 Susan 10:12 Jennifer 7:40 CQ 9:47 Sean 10:43 Strength: Jimmy 15.2 Phil Jordan Jonathan Ruth Sarah  ...

Wednesday, 3/4/2015 WOD

Day 44 of the 100 day burpee challenge (995) Wear long socks! 3 rounds not for time of:  10 alternating single leg romanian deadlift, using 1 or 2 kettlebells 20 situps At 40 pass the hour For time 3 rope climbs then 3 rounds of: 5 deadlifts (155/225) 10 ring dips 15 wall balls (14/20) then 3 rope climbs Warm up: 500 meter row 10 total single leg raise with core activation Shoulder mobility Rope climb skill Wod Specific warm up: 5×3 deadlifts (light to workout weight) Times: Vince 10:59 (135/b/16) Ivonne 8:09 (85/b/6) Adriana 10:13 (155/b/14) Maiya 8:27 (155/b/14) Vero 7:15 (85/b/6) Anthony 6:51 (225/20) Penny 8:52 (85/b/6) Alec 11:57 (185/b/20) Juarez 10:22 (225/20) Michi 11:26 (85/b/10) Analisa 11:47 (155/b/14) Cristy 11:41 (155/b/14) Kayla 7:08 (85/b/8) Shaira 13:47 (155/b/14) Ruth 14:35 (125/b/10) Phil 14:35 (185/20) Otter 14:36 (225/20) Lance 7:07 (145/b/14) Kristen 7:53 (115/b/10) Jacque 9:42 (intro) D 9:02 (155/b/10) Chris 8:10 (225/20) Steph 7:31 (155/14) Roberto 10:16 (mod) Herman 18:49 (135/b/16) KitKat 12:33 (75/b/10) Megan 11:51 (155/14) Strength: Sean  ...
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