Wednesday, 12/17/14 WOD

500 meter row  then 10 front squats (95/135) 20 pullups 30 kettlebell swings (16/24) 40 situps 50 stick jumps (total) 40 situps 30 kettlebell swings (16/24) 20 pullups 10 front squats (95/135) then 500 meter row Warm up fish game on the rower Old stretch pullup warm up 5×3 front squat;  kb swing (light to workout weight) Times: Alese 22:45 (35/b/12) Angela 22:21 (55/b/12) Maiya 23:46 (95/16) Sarena 22:26 (55/b/12) Jessy 23:27 (65/b/12) Hope 28:12 (95/16) Lindsay 18:15 (65/16) Shannon 18:33 (65/b/12) McC 18:12 (135/20) Otter 21:08 (165/20) Kristen 20:15 (65/b/12) Phil 23:17 (115/rr/20) Guru 21:42 (mod) Juarez 19:48 (135/20) Ruth 23:39 (95/16) Ale 30:20 (95/b/16) Roberto 20:01 (mod) Intro: Mensch 11:58 T2 14:03 Hayes nft “Randy” Maus 9:49 Extra: Bo...

Tuesday, 12/16/14 WOD

5 rounds for time of: 5 deadlifts (175/255) 10 burpees Warm up: Roxxane burpee song Old stretch 5 single leg raise with core activation (each leg) single leg deadlift pattern 5×3 deadlift (light to workout weight) Times: Brook 8:18 (135) Karen 8:48 (115) Maiya 6:56 (155) Kristy 7:23 (85) Isa 7:49 (95) Hope 6:05 (135) Jessy 8:00 (115) Angela 8:59 (65) Chelce 8:19 (95) Dannelle 9:09 (105) Shannon 7:04 (135) Juarez 10:23 (215) Anthony 6:09 (275) Brett 5:38 (275) Bo 8:34 (175) Stacey 9:55 (175) Kevin 7:32 (255) Chris 8:18 (255) Andy 9:04 (165) Roberto 5:33 (255) Guru 7:41 (195) Jackie 5:04 (175) CQ 10:29 (165) D 8:56 (145) Han 7:51 (65) Strength: Kevin Chris Andy Stacey Bo Marie  ...

Monday, 12/15/14 WOD

“Randy”  75 power snatches (55/75) In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty. Dessert: 3 rounds of: 20 weighted situps (20) 20 Russian twists, prison rules (20) Warm up: 50 double unders/150 singles Old stretch 3 minute mobility work Times: Andy 9:55 Kevin 9:44 Carlos 8:48 Juarez 7:35 Jimmy 6:55 Ale 10:54 Des 9:30 Chris 7:37 McC 7:10 Stacey 8:46 D 7:34 (35) Han 7:48 (35) Partner Workout: Ruth/Phil 25:06 10k row: Guru 43:45 Jackie 45:38 Extra: Brett...

Sunday, 12/14/14 WOD

We will not be having the 9 am workout. Don’t forget to wear your favorite ugly sweater 😉 See you at 11 Sunday WODs: If you have a favorite jump rope, feel free to bring it. WOD 1: (12 pm) Fight Gone Bad-you will spend 1 minute at each station. After the 5 stations have been completed, you will rest for 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 rounds. Wall Balls SDLHP (55/75) Box Jump Push Press (55/75) Row WOD 2: (2 pm) Partner WOD-One partner works at a time. Each partner performs the thrusters and double unders set before switching. While one partner is working, the other partner is holding a kettlebell (16/24). The kettlebell cannot touch the ground (10 burpee penalty). 25 barbell thrusters (35/45) 50 double Unders 20 BB Thrusters 45 double Unders 15 BB thrusters 40 double Unders 10 BB thrusters 35 double Unders 5 BB thrusters 30 double unders WOD 3: (4 pm) AMRAP in 12 minutes 10 Romanian Deadlifts (95/135) 10 burpee Push ups 10 barbell lunges in place (95/135)-5 each leg Wod 1 Chris 248 Roberto 255 (mod) Jason 151 Bo 233 Alec 171 Lindsay 237 (mod) Gordon 249 McC 216 CQ 191 Stacey 205 Guru 201 (mod) Jackie 284 Juarez 205 Sean 235 Hunter 236 Anthony 295 Han 174 Keila 161 Emily 194 Wod 2 Andy/Abby 22:12 CQ/Jackie 14:48 KK/Lindsay 15:17 Emily/Sarena 22:32 Juarez/ Gordon 16:01 Anthony/Alec 15:50 Roberto/Guru 12:20 (mod) Wod 3 Guru 4+16 (mod) Anthony 5+27 Juarez 3+13 Bo 4+16 Abby 3+27 CQ 4+20 D 5 Lindsay 5+20 (mod) Jackie 5+19 Sean...

Saturday, 12/13/14 WOD

AMRAP in 6 minutes of: 6 power snatches (65/95) 9 burpees over the bar 12 pullups 4 minutes rest AMRAP in 6 minutes of: 6 box jumps (20/24) 9 Romanian dead lift (65/95) 12 situps Warm up: 750 meter row 3×20 pull overs Old stretch 3 minutes of mobility work 3×5 power snatch (light to workout weight) Alock 2+4/4+3 Jennifer 2/4/14 Juarez 2+6/4 Han 2+2/4+5 Max 2+3/4+1 Hunter 2+21/4+15 Andy 2+2/4+20 Jesus 2+14/5+4 Gordon 2+6/5+21 McC 2+12/5+9...
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