Tuesday, 11/11/2014 WOD

Take A Moment To Thank A Veteran. When you see someone in a uniform, Someone who serves us all, Doing military duty, Answering their country’s call, Take a moment to thank them For protecting what you hold dear; Tell them you are proud of them; Make it very clear. Just tap them on the shoulder, Give a smile, and say, “Thanks for what you’re doing To keep us safe in the USA!” By Joanna Fuchs 3 rounds for time of:  11 toes to bar 11 kettlebell swings (16/24) 14 box jumps (20/24) Warm Up: 100 single unders 30 bicycle kicks (prison rules) Old Stretch Wod Specific warm up: 5 hanging primal pull throughs; 5 knees to elbow; 5 toes to bar 3 rds of 5 kb swings (light to workout weight) 5 box jumps Times: Karen 6:27 (kr/16) Christy 7:34 (kr/12) Jessi 8:45 (16) Amy 8:10 (Lr/12) Roberto 7:46 (mod) JMac 8:50 (16) Des 6:42 (16) Carlos (Lr/24) Cat 6:52 (kr/8) Amber 6:20 (kr/12) Rochelle 6:31 (kr/12) Lindsay 6:44 (12) Juarez 6:49 (20) Abby 5:41 (kr/16) Keila 7:33 (kr/12) Han 7:34 (kr/16) Jennifer 6:32 (kr/12) Hunter 6:46 (24) Sean 6:11 (24) Yess 8:01 (kr/16) McC 5:11 (16) Chris 5:20 (24) Brett 5:30 (24) Anthony 4:55 (24) Mondays: JMac 4+1 (45/b) Bo 4...

Monday, 11/10/2014 WOD

AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 12 thrusters (65/95) 12 ring dips Warm Up: 500 meter row 4×20 pullovers Old Stretch Wod Specific Warm up: 3 rds of: 6 kb side lunge (3 each leg) 5 trusters (light to workout weight) 5 ring dips (first round with bands) Amy 5+8 (45/b) Otter 3+6 (95) Juarez 6+9 (mod) Lindsay 3+18 (55/b) Phil 5 (mod) Jimmy 4+4 (95/b) Ruth 4+7 (65/b) Han 4+3 (40/b) Hunter 5+2 (75/b) Max 3+18 (75/b) Carlos 5+2 (75/b) McC 5+6 (65/b) Andy 5+6 (65/b) Mini Chris 4+15 (10lbs/b) Brook 4+4 (55/b) Des 5+4 (65/b) Guru (mod) Wednesday: Haylee 3+9 (45) Turkey Practice: Brett Bo Anthony Roberto...

Sunday, 11/9/2014 WOD

“DT”  In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J. Five rounds for time 155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps 155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps 155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps Warm Up: 400 meter run 3×20 pullovers Old stretch Wod Specific warm up: tricep smash 3×5 dead lift, hang power clean, push jerk (light to workout weight) Times: Han 16:07 (75/45) Juarez 17:58 (105) Sean 17:13 (155/125) Gordon 14:23 (135/105) Anthony 12:44 (155) Otter 13:46...

Saturday November 8, 2014 WOD

4 rounds for time of: 10 romanian deadlifts (95/135) 15 weighted jumping squats (20/30) 20 double unders/ 60 singles Warm up: 500 meter row 30 double unders/ 90 singles Old stretch Wod specific warm up: 3 rds of 5 single leg raise with core activation 5 rdl (light to workout weight) Times: Cat 7:12 (mod) Rochelle 8:05 (mod) Han 8:08 (55) Bo 6:30 (95) Fran 6:35 (95) KK 9:37 (95) D 8:21 (95) Otter 10:58 (135) Barbell: D KK Team Wod: Brett Anthony Bo...

Friday November 7,2014 WOD

The basic barbell class will be held on Saturdays at 11 am starting this next Saturday, November 8. Also, we are now offering one class on Sundays at 9 am. Vamos, Vamos, Vamos! For time: 10 over head squats (65/95) 200 meter run 30 ball slams (20/30) 400 meter run 50 situps 400 meter run 30 ball slams (20/30) 200 meter run 10 over head squats (65/95) Warm up: 400 meter run 2×40 pullovers Old stretch Wod specific warm up: 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 pvc ohs, 10 pvc sud press 3×5 ohs (light to workout weight) Times: Kevin 13:58 (45) Yess 15:10 (45) Andy 14:44 (45) Amy 16:47 (15) JMac 18:02 (65) Hope 15:37 (65) Jessy 15:25 (15) Han 15:31 (30) Hunter 13:37 (95) Juarez 12:50 (55) Shannon 15:00 (65) Ruth 14:26 (55) Chelce 18:49 (25) Guru 12:43 (mod) Abby 14:26 (65) Anthony 12:33 (95) Wednesday Abby 14 pullups 4+12 (65) Ricky 31 pulluos 4+12 (95) Extra: Bo Anthony  ...
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