Thursday, 5/15/2014 WOD

5 Rounds For Time 6 Clean & Jerk (95/135) 6 Ring Push ups 15 Sit ups Warm Up: 500 M Row Double Under Skill Work while transitioning through rowers Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×3 Clean and Jerk, Burpees, Ring Push Ups Kid’s Fitness Times: Mayra 12:38 (35) Abel 16:11 (135) Roberto 6:35 (135) Utah 6:29 (135) Smiley 9:39 (135) Jessica 11:08 (35) Kayla 9:51 (65) Stacey 9:18 (80) Danny 15:13 (75) Angel 9:54 (55) Crissie 7:12 (75) Javi 9:19 (95) Amanda 10:10 (65) Brian 9:25 (115) Des 9:32 (55) Jess 9:30 (35) Sean 11:05 (135) Challenge 3: Shannon 9:59 Karen 10:38 Krista 9:09 Liz 7:03 Chiri 6:45 Ray 9:28 Challenge 4: Hulk 34:50 Monday’s: Kayla 8:23 (8,55,20) Jennifer 8:00 (8,25,16) Kids: Kaydee Baileigh Olivia Javier Nalleli Leah...

Wednesday, 5/14/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: 4 Rounds For Time 12 Double KB Thrusters (12/16) 30 Double Unders Ninja/Challenge Week 3 WOD: For Time 100 Jump Rope Singles 40 Push Press (35/45) 50 KB Swings (8/12) 60 Lunges 70 Bicycles 100 Jump Rope Singles Warm Up: 40 Double Unders/120 Singles 4×20 Pullovers Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×5 KB Thrusters or 5×5 PP, KBS, Lunges, Bicycles Times: Megan 8:10 (8) JMac 9:07 (8) B 8:40 (15lbs) Jessica 8:58 (12lbs) Angel 9:31 (8) Brian 7:15 (12) McC 6:48 (16) Hollywood 7:49 (16) Challenge 3: Abel 9:08 Lisa 13:42 Jess 11:06 Brianna 10:55 Alli 10:59 Mayra 13:11 Tracy 13:42 Jennifer 10:59 Jackie 9:54 Ryan 8:40 Bo 7:15 Des 9:13 Kayla 8:36 D 8:54 Shaliese 8:08 Roberto 6:34...

Tuesday, 5/13/2014 WOD

Since it feels like it…. “12 Days of Christmas” 1 Deadlift (155/225) 2 Turkish get ups (8/16) 3 Burpees 4 Toes to bar 5 Pullups 6 Ring dips 7 Ball slam (20/30) 8 Wall balls (14/20) 9 Situps 10 Bicycle kicks 11 Pushups 12 Lunges Warm up: 4×20 pullovers 3×20 mountain climbers Wod Specific warm up: 5×5 deadlift, up to the workout weight Kids Fitness Times: Krista 22:47 (75) Hulk 40:53 (225) Brianna 32:45 (85) Ari 33:52 (155) Lili 31:13 (75) Juan 35:09 (95) JMac 43:17 (115) Utah 26:51 (225) Alec 38:51 (175) Smiley 32:54 (205) Tracy 36:00 (75) Jennifer 35:10 (95) Crissie 36:30 (115) Phil 35:30 (225) McC 28:44 (225) Jessica 32:36 (75) Ruth 29:50 Kayla 29:50 (125) Stacy 38:48 (155) Alyssa 31:21 (65) Grady 33:21 (225) Brian 31:00 (225) Caileigh 28:52 (125) Abby 37:21 (155) Bo 31:36 (155) Breanna 29:55 (85) Roberto 27:27 (225) Ray 28:08 (225) Chiri 26:44 (155) Shaleise 28:18 Ana ? Josh? Kids: Baileigh Kaydee Nalleli Leah Javier Morgan...

Monday, 5/12/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: For Time 40 Goblet Squat (16/24) 30 Box Jumps 20 Power Snatches (65/95) 10 Knees to Elbows Ninja WOD: Same as CrossFit WOD except Power Snatches will be replaced with dumbbell snatches. Warm Up: 2 Suicides 3×12 Ball Slams (20/30) Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up: 5×5 Goblet Squats, Box Jumps, PS, K2E Times: Chiri 7:24 (16,20,65) JMac 12:33 (16,20,45) Chris S 7:00 (12,20,35) Smiley 6:03 (20,24,85) Alec 7:29 (12,20,65) Utah 7:14 (24,24,95) Brian 6:54 (24,24,85) Jess 8:16 (8,12,45) Angel 6:10 (8,12,35) Breanna 6:13 (8,16,35) Hollywood 7:21 (24,24,95) Gordon 7:56 (20,24,95) Amanda 6:39 (8,8,35) Shalease 5:50 (8,12,15) Dana 5:39 (8,8,15) CQ 8:57 (16,20,65) Ninja: Des 6:37 (8,20,20) Jackie 5:09 (8,12,15) Challenge 2: Abby 16:01 Friday’s: Bo 4+1/ 6:59 O-Lift: Bo Roberto...

Saturday, 5/10/2014 WOD

WOD:  3 Rounds for Time 6 Hanging Power Clean (115/155)-Scaled: PC from the box 9 Front Squats (115/155) 400 M Run Dress warm and chalk up. Warm Up: 60 Double Unders/180 Singles 200 M Run Team Stretch WOD Specific Warm Up 5×5 Hanging Power Clean and Front Squats Start light and work up to workout weight. Kid’s Fitness Times: Ray 11:18 (75) JMac 15:04 (65) Shalease 12:10 (20/35) AG 13:23 (135) Grady 10:18 (135) Brian 13:57 (105) Hulk 17:11 (245 DL/ 165) Kayla 12:24 (65) Ari 11:36 (85) Roberto 12:29 (135/500 m row) Challenge 2: Shaira 19:28 Challenge 3: CQ 8:25 Kids: Baileigh 10:05 Kaydee...
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