Wednesday, 2/25/2015 WOD

Day 37 of the 100 day burpee challenge (708)

EMOM for 20 minutes



Even minutes:

5 hang power cleans (75/115)

3 box jump overs

Odd minutes:

50 second plank

Warm up:

50 double unders/ 150 singles

4×20 pull overs

shoulder mobility

Wod specific warm up:

5×3 hang power clean (light to workout weight)

Jeff (75)

Jonathan (85)

Lara (35)
Sarena (mod)
Isa (mod)
Mayra (mod)
Lili (mod)
Salena (mod)
Ivonne (45)
Lydia (55)
Dannele (55)
Jess (75)
Maiya (75)
Jacque (mod)
Shannon (65)
KK (55)
Alec (115)
Vero (55)
Adriana (75)
Andy (75)
Christy (55)
Ruth (75)
Shaira (95)
Maus (115)
McC (115)
Phil (95)
D (70)
Stacey (75)
Otter (115)
Chris (115)
Roberto (115)
CQ (75)

Lance 8:14

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