Wednesday, 1/14/15 WOD

10 push press (65/95)



20 toes to bar

30 pushups

40 air squats

50 double unders/150 singles

40 air squats

30 pushups

20 toes to bar

10 push press (65/95)

*Every two minutes 2 burpees

Warm up:

50 double unders/ 150 singles

4×20 pull overs

Around the gym:

1 lap of broad jumps

1 lap of high knees

1 lap of but kicks

pullup warm up

3×5 push press (light to workout weight)


Maiya 12:38 (65)

Maus 15:58 (95)

Hope 15:12 (65)

Juarez 15:43 (95)

Winkler 15:39 (100)

Alec 15:22 (75)

Roberto 12:32 (115)

Brett 9:59 (105)

Liz 10:18 (55)

Cristy 11:48 (65)

Han 12:57 (40)

Ruth 13:00 (65)

Otter 9:40 (95)

Jeff 7:24 (95)

Kate 11:17 (65)

Hunter 10:10 (95)

Kristen 14:28 (55)

Shaira 11:15 (75)

Yess 21:17 (65)

Jess 20:24 (75)

Phil 17:39 (95)

D 13:01 (65)

Des 11:07 (75)

McC 10:00 (105)

Ivonne 14:16 (35)

Adriana 12:53 (75)

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