Wednesday, 11/12/2014 WOD

10-1 strict hand stand pushup/ kb press from knees



1-10 squat clean (95/135)

Warm up:

500 meter row

4×20 pullovers

Old stretch

Wod Specific warm up

5 sets of 3 position clean (light to 75% of workout weight)

10 second hand stand hold


Jessy 14:50 (kb/45)

Hope 17:01 (hspu/75)

KK 14:00 (mod)

Yess 23:41 (kb/65)

Bull 21:40 (kb/95)

Juarez 21:15 (hspu/95)

JMac 21:22 (hspu/75)

Roberto 14:42 (mod)

Max 18:49 (kb/95)

Phil 16:18 (kb/95)

Ruth 18:06 (kb/75)

McC 18:25 (hspu/75)

Andy 20:26 (hspu/75)

Des 19:25 (hspu/95)

Abby 17:43 (hspu/95)

Keila 22:11 (kb/65)

Jennifer 20:25 (kb/65)


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