Friday, 5/29/2020

A. For time:

10 clean and jerks (95/135) (105/155 rx+)

20 burpees pull ups

300 meter run

40 abmat sit ups

50 air squats

40 abmat sit ups

300 meter run

20 burpee pull ups

10 clean and jerks

B. From Guru’s Chest

As many rounds as possible in 40 minutes
5 strict pull ups
30 walking lunges, no weight
20 dumbbell deadlifts
Every 10 minutes (starting at 0)
800m run

You will start the workout with an 800m run, then at 10 minutes another 800m, again at 20 minutes, and 30 minutes.
When you get back from the run, continue where you left off; if you had 17 lunges before the run, start on lunge 18 🙂

Strict pull ups:
Whatever you do, stay on the heavier/harder side, strict pull ups are about building strength.
Banded strict: if you have bands and a pull up bar.
Barbell pull up: if you have a barbell, a barbell rack and you feel safe doing pull ups on your barbell while its in the rack. The barbell needs to be high enough that you can hang from it without your butt touching the ground. Put your feet underneath you like you’re doing a squat. The more in front of you your feet are, the more this will become an inverted row.
Inverted row/Ring row: keep your body straigh the whole time, don’t let your hips drop at the bottom, stiff as a board! Also remember to keep your shoulders locked in place, lats engaged. Don’t let you’re shoulders come forwared when you’re at the bottom of the row.
Bent over row: the heaviest weight you can do the same amount of reps as the pull ups with, unbroken, with good form when you are tired. Good form means straight back AND hinging forward as far as you can (you should feel your hamstrings engage). If you’re barely hinged forward then this won’t be working the muscles we want it to.
Anything else from here: with heavier weight.

Walking lunges:
Any kind of lunge is fine for these: forward, reverse, walking, whichever.
Step ups: hold some kind of weight if you can.

Dumbbell/kettlebell deadlift:
These can be done with whatever kind of weights you have, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, plates (if you want), paint cans, milk jugs, water bottles, etc…
Barbell deadlift: 30-40%. Focus on keeping your shoulders and upper back engaged today.
Good mornings: light or no weight, 15 reps if you go light, 20 reps if you have no weight. Back straight, slight bend in the knees, hinge at the hip as far over as you can, snap up straight. If you don’t have any weight, cross your arms in front of your chest. If you have a light weight, hold on to that weight.

Any cardio for 4-5 mintues.
Jump rope/mountain climbers: because of how long this is, you might want to mix these up
Burpees: 40-60, keep track of your time, do these for at least 4:15 minutes.
Run in place: the higher you lift your legs and the more you pump your arms, the harder this will be.
Row: 1000 meters
Bike: 2400 meters

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