Friday, 2/27/2015 WOD

Day 39 of the 100 day burpee challenge (785)

Workout 15.1

Jacque W

Jacque W

Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
(75/115)  deadlifts, 10 reps
(75/115). snatches, 5 reps

Workout 15.1a
6 minutes to find 1-rep-max clean and jerk

Perform both workouts on a 15-minute clock, start Workout 15.1a immediately after finishing 15.1.

Warm up:

500 meter row

old stretch

5 single leg raise with core activation (each leg)

Shoulder mobility

Wod Specific warm up:

5×3 power snatch (light to warm up weight)


Abby 80/ 115 (75)

Jeff 65/205 (1/2) (115)

Jess  87/95 (55/kr)

Stacey 103/125 (75/kr)

Teresa 167 (mod)

Christy 162 (mod)

Mayra 180 (mod)

Andy 103/120 (75)

Dannelle 120/85 (45/kr)

Lydia 119/75 (55/kr)

Kristen 121/75 (55/kr)

Maiya 145/155 (75)

Des 125/125 (75)

Alec 150/135 (85/kr)

CQ 125/115 (65/115 kr)

Ale 95/115 (75/kr)

Juarez 104/165 (85)

Guru 118 (mod)

Michi 91/85 (55/kr)

Vince 93/155 (85)

B 70/65 (45/kr)

D 120/85 (55/kr)

CS Christy 168/90 (55/kr)






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